Tuesday, December 17, 2013

3D Printing Show - PARIS

          Yes it's a bit too late.. But I don't care, I want to share with you my experience!

Give a look here: http://3dprintshow.com/paris2013/

          So, I went to the 3D Printing Show the 15th and 16th of November and it was really, really cool!
I met a lot of professionals and non-professionals, 3D print lovers, curious and artists..

          This show was the place to be in the 3D printing world, every companies in this field was here like MakerBot, Ultimaker, Startasys, Autodesk, etc. Smaller companies were here too, like Printrbot or PrintaBit as well as FabLabs representative (Marseille and Paris). Fortunately, Reprap movement was represented! It would be better if it wasn't in a corner, in the darkest depths of the show room... The Foldarap was shown by his creator, a quite cool printer!

The Foldarap at the 3D Printing Show - Paris
          MakerBot was here to promote their products on a huge stand, focusing people attention on their printers and scanners:


              Umtimaker was doing the same thing with his new printer.. but modestly:


          3Dream factory was here too, to present their Delta Tower: awesome

Check it here: http://deltatower.ch/en

          Then, a lot of companies offering FDM printers with a well designed case but with a standard Reprap hardware in it... It was quite hard to hear "Mmh what is Reprap movement?" by representatives of these companies... Anyway, these printers were quite good looking:

          I can't list all of the participants, it will be too long! Let's talk about the other room of the show. It was really much more artistic than the first room which was more technical. In the second room, there was an exhibition of 3D printed artistic objects. There were 3D printed parts of costumes used in some movies (like Iron Man) too!


3D Art (Awesome printing precision with SLS):

          Finally, for VIP only, a fashion show and a concert was offer, and it was great! Deep sounds with psychedelic 3D printed clothes were a good mix.

As usual, I made a Dropbox folder and a Flickr album to share my pics, I hope you will enjoy!

-> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/m885gpfd4xxy5yo/lFM7SN5mMS


1 comment:

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